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Free Dog Training Workshops

Free Dog Training Workshops

With Jason Rae

[us_separator type=”invisible”][us_btn text=”Download Flyer” link=”|title:Download%20Flyer|target:%20_blank” target=””][us_btn text=”About Tour” link=”url:%23about||” color=”white” target=””][us_separator type=”invisible”]


These workshops are designed to help everyone get off on the right paw when training their dog. We promote and teach only positive methods which get faster and longer lasting results. Free For Everyone To Come But Please Leave Your Dog At Home!
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Our Workshop Training Covers

[us_iconbox icon=”fa-paw” title=”Basic Training” external=”” size=”48px”][/us_iconbox]
[us_iconbox icon=”fa-paw” title=”Separation Anxiety” external=”” size=”48px”][/us_iconbox]
[us_iconbox icon=”fa-paw” title=”Puppy Problems” external=”” size=”48px”][/us_iconbox]
[us_iconbox icon=”fa-paw” title=”Destructive Behavior” external=”” size=”48px”][/us_iconbox]
[us_iconbox icon=”fa-paw” title=”Barking/ Howling” external=”” size=”48px”][/us_iconbox]
[us_iconbox icon=”fa-paw” title=”And Much More…” external=”” size=”48px”][/us_iconbox]

Jason Rae Dog Trainer with Riverside County Animal Services

Here Are Our Free Workshop Tour Locations And Dates

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[us_iconbox icon=”fa-map-marker” iconpos=”left” size=”28px” title=”Riverside County/City Animal Shelter” style=”outlined” external=””]6851 Van Buren Blvd.
Jurupa Valley Ca, 92509
Tuesday October 6th @ 6:30


[us_iconbox icon=”fa-map-marker” iconpos=”left” size=”28px” title=”San Jacinto Valley Animal Campus” style=”outlined” external=””]581 S. Grand Ave
San Jacinto, Ca92582
Tuesday October 13th @ 6pm


[us_iconbox icon=”fa-map-marker” iconpos=”left” size=”28px” title=”Coachella Valley Animal Campus” style=”outlined” external=””]72-050 Pet Land Place
Thousand Palms, Ca 92276
Thursday October 15th @ 7pm


Here Is What Others Are Saying About The Workshops

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[us_testimonial author=”Ruth Brant” company=”Attended Workshop”]
I attended a class for owners of dogs. I have been struggling for a year with Cooper. Friends will not visit because Cooper frightens them. The neighbors call him the Monster. In class I soon realized my style of training hasn’t worked because of me. I am applying new principals of training. We are learning a common language. I already see change.


[us_testimonial author=”Kaylee Davenport” company=”Workshop Attendee”]
My Dobie HAD “Separation Anxiety” which made my life more stressful than it needed to be. After implementing Jason’s methods only a handful of times, the issues completely went away! It seems like common sense now …
[us_testimonial author=”Sharon Denison” company=”Workshop Attendee”]
Thanks for a great class last night at SJVAC. I believe everyone took some useful tip home with them to try out. BTW, I used the “THANK YOU” suggestion with the fence barking this a.m. and had a good response from mine; they broke off and came right in. I am grateful to have found someone to refer my customers to with doggie problems.
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[us_counter target=”11″ size=”large” title=”Workshops Completed”]
[us_counter target=”566″ size=”large” title=”Workshop Atendees”]
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Contact the Riverside County Animal Shelter For any questions you may have about the workshops. All times and locations are on this current web page above and also located on the downloadable flyer.

If you would like to host one of these events at your local shelter then use the form to the right to contact us. Any other questions please use the number below for more information.

[us_separator type=”invisible”][us_contacts address=”Apple Valley CA, ” phone=”951-358-7295″]
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