Good Samaritan Adopted Near Death Dog
A dog found virtually lifeless, starving, on this brink of death, has found a new home with the person who rescued her. Given the name ‘Hope’, the German Shepherd mix was found Friday on the shoulder of a road in Labelle, Florida. Abandoned and left to die, she was so hungry she ate sand in an attempt to survive. The only thing the dog could move when arriving at the Caloosa Humane Society were her eyes.
“She was lifeless,” said Humane Society employee Alex Distefano. “She actually defecated on the floor and it was sand. She was probably eating dirt to fill her stomach,” he said. Hope had worms and fleas, and was anemic. On top of that, she was also about half her normal body weight of 60 pounds.
After a few days of 24 hour tender, loving care the canine can only walk short distances before getting tired but she has gained a much need five pounds in a week. Miraculously, Hope is expected to make a full recovery and get adopted by the person who found her. She has been eating small meals, ten times a day to get her back on a real food diet, and she is watched 24/7 by the rescue.
This story, which is infuriating, does have a silver lining; the women who found Hope on the side of the road was so inspired by her will to live that she plans on adopting her. Abandoned and unwanted a week ago, Hope will soon be in a loving home. The shelter employees say as soon as she is strong enough, the good Samaritan will be allowed to pick her up, but Hope will be missed.
“She touched our lives,” said Kirsten Kalpa, the good Samaritan who adopted the near death dog.