Officer K9 Kenzo “Kenzo didn’t stop, and he won’t stop” were the words of his K9 handler, Michael Anderson, the day after Deputy K9 Kenzo was shot two times by a gunman in
Dogs Doing Double Dutch I have seen a lot of dog tricks but was blown away when I saw this one. It’s always really cool to see people who take the time to
Pet Food Recall Expands A recall of dry dog food products manufactured by Diamond Pet Foods has expanded to more brands. Recently Diamond Pet Foods issued a nationwide recall of batches
Check Out The Pug Head Tilt If you love pugs then you will love this video! These pugs are smart and know exactly what their owner is talking about. Pugs are probably one
World’s Smallest Puppy Meet Beyonce, not the singer, the worlds smallest puppy. Weighing in at only 4 ounces. This little puppy is a survivor and getting stronger every day. I know this
Labrador Retriever Mom Saves Drowning Pup Human or canine, no mom would stand by and watch her baby struggle in a pool. That’s exactly what this momma Labrador Retriever did when she