Labrador Retriever Rescues A 14-Month Old Child

She frantically began to look for her lost child and found Stanley in the family pool face up. He appeared to be blue, and was unconscious when Patricia spotted him. She also indicated that the family’s dog, a black Labrador Retriever named Bear, was in the water; underneath the infant, holding the child up out of the water on his back.
Patricia hurried and grabbed her son and seeing that he was unresponsive, she attempted to call 911 but was unable to get cellphone service from the residence. She than began driving to the closest place for help, Marcellus Fire Deptepartment (approximately 2 miles from her residence) to get help.
While driving to the Station, Patricia was able to get cellphone service and contacted Cass County Central Dispatch. When she was on the phone with dispatch her son regained consciousness, and upon her arrival at the fire department, Marcellus Fire and Ambulance personal examined the victim who was found to be conscious and in good condition.
The child was taken to the Three Rivers hospital by the parents, where he was treated and released. This is just another example of how loyal dogs can be and when Bear, Patricia’s Labrador Retriever was put to the test, he past with flying colors.